This time of year is a very busy one in the Heavenly World, and it seems that this year it is even more so. We have a bunch of projects going on…and camp is slowly coming back together. This has been the year of the “big dig.” Last year, Heigh Ho was a mess as we built the new bath house, and dug a new well and replaced water and sewer lines on that hill. This year, it has been Hillbrook and the dining hall, the main road, and both entries. Digging anywhere around camp is liking going on an archeological dig as there are decades and decades of old “stuff” in the ground…water lines, sewer lines…you name it. In the old days, they used something we call Orangeburg pipe for sewer lines, which was basically tar covered layers of paper. Trees love the stuff, and most of these lines after years of use look like a fat man’s arteries…you can imagine what happens after nine months lying dormant…it’s not pretty. So, this year, we have completely transferred over to modern plastic piping….something campers never notice unless things stop working, but camp directors think about constantly.
There are other visible projects going on as well. The guys have leveled all of the stalls in the barn with rock dust, and have cut thick rubber mats to cover the stalls to make it easier on the horse’s legs, as well as allowing more sanitary conditions. We have re-rocked the front porch of the dining hall and will replace the log supports and gutters in the next couple of weeks. The back staff room has a new “airy” ceiling, and the downstairs of Curtis has new lockers for counselors, a new ceiling, and a new storage area for the Ship’s Store.
The most visible project will be the new entry and driveway. We reworked the entry and have built new stone columns, and are sawing lumber on camp’s sawmill to make new gates that will go at the entry and exit of camp. Next week, the pavers will be here to pave the new driveway which will be away from roots on the trees next to the Slip n Slide area, all the way down by the dining hall and laundry area and down the hill to the exit. Counselors with low riding cars will especially appreciate the paved drive up to the staff parking lot. Wow, there is a lot going on.
We have been “knee deep” in all of these projects but took a few days off to travel with Turner to Zion National Park for some hiking and mountain biking for his spring break. Laurie, Gretchen, Kris and Dave are at the Tri-State Camp Conference in Atlantic City this week hearing lots of great speakers and getting some meeting time to plan for 2011, the BEST SUMMER EVER! It’s coming quickly!
Lots of big plans for Illahee!