Last night’s thunderstorm left an amazing day in its wake, if not a good bit of leaf litter from the hail that preceded it. The guys spent most of the day blowing and raking up twigs and leaves that covered the ground after the BIG BLOW. When Mother Nature reaches in to her bag of tricks in full fury, we can almost always count on a perfect day to follow, and she didn’t disappoint us today. It was breezy this morning with a few Norman Rockwell-ish white puffy clouds littering the sky against a background of Carolina blue. I think the high may have been eighty around 3:00 PM…just delightful. Even at the height of the heat last week, our night time lows were hovering right above 60. This is the type of weather that makes the mountains the perfect place to be in the summertime…ideal.
The kitchen is hitting its stride with meal after tasty meal. I was with some rising seventh graders today quizzing them about camp, and after a few questions, got to the food. One of my hikers said, “I don’t get it when my friends talk about how much they don’t like camp food. I mean, that’s one of the best things about camp to me.” We started our day with hot chocolate, cinnamon oatmeal, and cinnamon rolls, cereal bagels and fruit. Lunch brought homemade pizza with the staples, cheese and pepperoni, but also some amazing creations for the bold…pineapple, hot wing, roasted veggie…plus a green salad. Dinner was a big hit…chicken enchilada casseroles with side dishes Mexican style…chips and salsa, salad, with fruit, hummus, and other tasty treats on the encore table and ice cream for dessert.
I spent another day on top of the world with two lively cabins of rising seventh graders from Heigh Ho. It was absolutely gorgeous up in the Black Balsams. We were not far from (but never saw) our Trips Hiking crew, who were climbing to the top of Sam’s Knob. We enjoyed pita and turkey sandwiches, Pringles, oreos, peanut butter and jelly, and good company. As always, the swim beneath Looking Glass Falls was a highlight as well as a stop to see Miss Dolly and get a scoop or two of her delicious fare.
The Pineview girls begin our encampment at Kuykendall (Kirk-in-doll), over in the Pisgah Nat. Forest, not ten minutes from camp. They enjoyed burgers and dogs, lots of field games, creek stomping, and will enjoy a clear night sleeping under the stars. HIllbrook watched a movie in McLeod on the big screen, and the Heigh Ho girls had the swim lake all to themselves for a Luau. Tiki torches lines the dam, and all of the favorites were open on the lake…the Streak, Tarzan rope, diving dock. There were hula contests, hula hooping, corn hole games, and lots of music and enthusiasm. It was Big Fun!
Those pictures of the hike to Looking Glass Falls were incredible and reminded me why I love Western North Carolina, where Frampton and I had our first date, and after many camping/hiking/kayaking/rock climbing trips over 7 years, he asked me to marry him on our favorite spot in WNC on the AT. Your pictures – the bluest sky, the greenest grass, the crisp air you could feel through Kodachrome, those happy smiles – captured the absolute beauty and specialness of WNC.
Catherine and Martha’s grandmother “v”
What a life-building experience Illahee is giving our Catherine!!! She is taking advantage of soooo many splendid activities…and I can tell – enjoying each one thoroughly! The multitude of activities boggles my mind. My camp days were splendid…but activities were more limited…Illahee is giving to each girl, and I am aware of how you tailor each girl to her activities, a multitude of choices from which to choose, for her life’s recreational enjoyment. As a grandmother and former teacher, I have always felt that we must give our children a multitude of experiences to choose from….and by process of elimination discover what they like best! You are able to do what parents cannot….for lack of time, energy and know-how… Illahee does just that, and each and every camper therefore is most blessed! With much gratitude, and thankful prayers, Bobbi