I must be the envy of every father out there this Sunday in June. It’s like being Bono walking down the streets of New York (notice how I didn’t choose Justin Bieber). As everyone’s camp dad, I’m a rock star! It’s hard to turn a corner without hearing a sweet voice or chorus say, “Happy Father’s Day”! None was as sweet as my own “big” girl’s hug and note, though. Dad’s out there will appreciate that for the first time, she is temporarily off the payroll. Gardner recently graduated and will attend College in the fall. She has a job lifeguarding at the local pool, her first job outside of camp…which we encouraged. There is nothing like the responsibility and sense of pride that comes from receiving that first paycheck that you worked hard for.
Gretchen, our Associate Director, and I share the same dad (and mom). She has been doing yeoman’s duty with pictures this year, coordinating their taking and upload. There are a bunch tonight, and we toyed with the idea of doing one picture instead of many with a big happy father’s day card, but in the end, I trumped that idea and we uploaded the many that will make a lot of dads out there very happy…there are also some sibling pictures tonight.
This was a “fruitful” Sunday. I’m sensitive to the word “busy” (even though it was the title of my post last night time three), and I cringe whenever someone tells me how busy they are. I know…I’m overreacting I’m sure (or oversensitive), but aren’t we all (busy)? So “fruitful” or just “full” seems about right. It started off as Sundays should…with a little extra sleep. Krispy Kremes, hard-boiled eggs, bagels, cereal, fresh cut fruit, yogurt greeted groups of pajama-clad campers who shuffled over with bed linens in tow. Fresh sheets and towels were exchanged.
Pineview’s worship included a camper-led service that was really sweet…and inspiring. The idea that the Illahee spirit is inspired by God…the sense of community and love that pervades our world is one worth nurturing. The morning was beautiful and as usual, the voices angelic in song and verse. One of my favorite traditions at camp is recessing out of worship…girls paired, many holding hands, and then joining cabin groups interspersed through camp…some under a shady trees, others plopped in the middle of the driveway…discussing worship.
An interesting phenomenon occurs as a camp session progresses. Girls eat more. I guess it is a combination of the activity and comfort level, but I felt a little like I was in a roadhouse with the mountains of fried chicken, wild rice, salad, broccoli and (especially) rolls that were being eaten at lunch. We had three birthday queens today, and then a rowdy rendition of the swim song…with teams Boom Boom, Diddam Daddam, and Watum Chew working to represent themselves most enthusiastically before the swim show.
Synchronized swimming, diving exhibitions, and relays were the fare for the afternoon…with music and emcees, and lots of spirit and sun. It was a great afternoon event. One of the most popular attractions was the slip n slide, which was a little off cant on the hill, resulting in a muddy finish. No one seemed to mind…the muddier the better. (Except maybe our grounds crew, who luckily were off today).
James Taylor’s tunes provided background sound to a cookout of burgers and dogs by the swim lake to finish an otherwise perfect day. Campfire followed with songs and skits, and lots of energy. Counselors Jordan and Lacey, sang a beautiful version of American Honey, made popular by Lady Antebellum (whose lead singer Hillary Scott spent the night at Illahee last summer…she lives with a long-time Illahee girl and counselor).
Happy Father’s Day, dads.
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Happy Father’s Day Gordon! You’re the best camp “dad” ever – thanks for watching over our girls!
Thank you so much for the pictures! Close up, group shots, activity,…just all of them!!! I get to experience camp all over again. Can’t imagine being my Mom when I was an Illahee camper so many years ago, with no sneak peaks of the goings on behind the scenes at camp. Thank you for sharing the moments with us. Have fun this last week…I know my camper is sad to see it’s coming to an end.
Parker looks like she is having more fun than ever!! Thank you all for doing such an amazing job nurturing their independence!! Kathrine & Warren