We emphasize over and over in pre-camp “counselor camp” how important flexibility is in the camp world. Our weather has been pretty darn close to perfect considering that we entered the session very dry. We were watering all of our new grass and rhododendrons like crazy trying to help them gain a foothold when the pattern finally broke the second week. We have been getting quick, usually very well-timed thunderstorms that have wetted the thirsty ground, and cooled things off for the rest of us. The exceptions are three…(really two)…Capture the Flag and HIllbrook Kuykendall (and then tonight). In all cases, we had a blast…
Today was a beautiful summer day…blue skies, wispy clouds, a lot going on. It was the last day of activities, and there was a scramble to finish up projects and complete lesson plans. The dance and horsemanship/vaulting girls as well as the canoe formation participants worked to finish up their routines for the shows that will happen tomorrow and canoe formation tonight. Bag supper was tonight…a night where the terrific kitchen staff gets a break, and we enjoy a casual picnic with sandwiches, chips, and a candy bar with milk out by the lake. After everyone finished and all had been cleaned up, I just happened to go in and check the radar, and the yellow and orange blob was headed our way, this time compliments of our friends in north Georgia (usually it comes from Tennessee). So, we scrambled. We got all the girls to the Rec Lodge, just as the winds picked up and the rain started. Dave and I lugged the projector down from its mount in McLeod, got the screen and rigged it up in the gym. We started the evening as we often do with a slide show of 400 or so of the best pictures taken this session with musical accompaniment. The girls hooted and hollered as they were able to watch themselves on the big screen for the first time. As it turned out, the gym was a more comfortable place to watch it any way. After we were finished, the rain had abated enough to head out to watch canoe formation, which was really very pretty in the light mist.
The girls were determined to stay out despite wet conditions (gotta love Illahee girls) and completed the full program of songs for Sing Around the Lake, with the addition of an unplanned, Singing in the Rain. It was a memorable night, and I am so glad mother nature didn’t release her full fury on us.
Many of you will hit the roads tomorrow to come to camp. I know you are excited. We will be ready for you around 9:30 am. Pick-up works a lot like drop-off. We will have trunks and big duffles ready to load and then we will ask you to park and walk to the cabin, where you will find your camper. Feel free to have her tour you around camp, but don;t leave before checking for any easily forgotten items like tennis racquets, bathing suits, etc. The Ship Store will be open but there is no need to stop by the office. We will settle accounts and mail a refund (or a bill) early next week.
We have a big day tomorrow…dance and horse fair, packing, cabin plaques, and then final campfire and banquet. It’s another action-packed day. We will see you Friday.