This season we’ll be celebrating Illahee’s 95th anniversary and the 10th year of the Junior Session! Since 2005, the last week of the camp season has brought some of the most excited campers to Illahee! These campers have been counting down the days to the session and for many, it is their first week away from home. The five day session opens on Sunday August 9th when campers launch into a full afternoon of camp activities. For girls entering 2nd to 6th grades, the Junior Session offers a sampling of 20 camp activities that campers experience with their cabin.
Travelling as a cabin group with a counselor leader helps campers feel at home quickly. On Wednesday evening, girls are ready to sign up individually for their favorite four activities for Thursday. There’s no better feeling for a girl this age than to gain a little independence, negotiate community living in a loving environment and to learn new skills from making a bed, to riding a horse…shooting an arrow, living in a cabin. I remember talking with a 3rd grader at dinner one evening as she recounted going down the zipline, riding a horse and sliding down the Streak all taking place that afternoon!
Evening program activities include such favorites as County Fair, Airband, a trip to Sliding Rock and Campfire. And of course, it wouldn’t be Illahee without lots of singing starting with our morning assembly, Rise and Shine , and continuing through meals, evening programs and on the bus to Sliding Rock. Offering a great way to begin an Illahee career, the Junior session currently has openings for the 2015 season!