Illahee is celebrating its 95th summer during the 2015 season and we are gearing up for BIG Fun! Plans are underway for an alumnae reunion weekend the last weekend of May and there will undoubtedly be plenty of “birthday” fun throughout the summer. Whether planning a reunion or planning to attend a reunion, the word itself seems to be a call for action. It’s an opportunity for improvements (of self or place) and an opportunity to give back to a place that has been significant in one’s life. Illahee’s upcoming reunion is no different.
Yesterday, Dave and James loaded a large heavy piece of Hemlock from a tree that was removed behind McLeod lodge. They delivered it to Frankie Hall, Illahee’s director during the 1970’s and 80’s. Frankie had contacted us a few weeks back wanting to carve a new pulpit for the Woodland Chapel in time for the reunion. The familiar verse from Psalm 121, “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills” will be carved on the front in a design inspired from the pulpit during Frankie’s tenure as director. We are looking forward to seeing the result of her carving skills and are so grateful for her gift, as well as the gift of generations of “Illahee girls” and women who LOVE camp!