It’s Camp Illahee’s 95th birthday this year and she is getting a serious facelift along the canoe lake. It’s only fitting that the heart of camp gets spruced up for this big occasion. The swim lake is filling back up after having been drained for access to the McLeod Lodge foundation. We did find tracks from Myrtle the Turtle indicating that she moved upstream for the renovation period. (We also found the missing camp Ipod nano and a bit of jewelry.) Liza and Newton have enjoyed mucking around in the mud.
In addition to the McLeod Lodge renovation, we have rebuilt the Streak which will be faster than ever and we scooped the mud off of the bottom of the crib area which now offers a clean cement bottom for beginner swimmers. After some tree removal, we started a major landscape project including rock retaining walls that wrap behind McLeod and along the swim lake. They will enhance a beautiful setting and will offer spots to gather for the next 95 years.
And speaking of gathering….alumnae are invited to a reunion celebration the weekend of May 29th! Reunion registration will open online in March. More news to follow…..
Don’t leave my precious diving board closed for too long!!