If you’re like me, the post-Thanksgiving let-down may be mixed with a few sighs of relief. I enjoy a routine, and am reminded of that after a full week of late nights catching up with family and endless feasting. I do love this holiday- there’s less pressure than Christmas and we’ve nailed down our family traditions over the years. Dad’s side of the family comes in from Raleigh and Nashville for a total of 15 humans and seven dogs. My cousins brought their significant others this year. We always say it’s good to have one new member at Thanksgiving to ensure that everyone behaves.
Thanksgiving Day consisted of a hike in Pisgah National Forest, camp’s backyard. We do this every year and it usually begins as a “short 4-5 miler” that ends up being around eight. Then we rush home a little stressed that the turkey won’t be done in time. However this year, we opted for a five mile hike at Pink Beds (a camper favorite during the summer!). We were able to make it home in time to cook our meal. Laurie and Gordon mastered the 24# Butterball, and the sides were perfect! We gathered around the table at Pinecrest and left fully stuffed.

Turner and Marie spent Thanksgiving rock climbing in Indian Creek near Moab, Utah. They started this tradition in college and have worked to stay in touch with their Colorado friends to keep the adventures going. They rented a Sprinter van and camped surrounded by giant red rocks and blue skies. Lindsey hosted her entire family in Brevard, spending time chasing her adorable nephews, and cute new puppy, Birdie!

This week, Laurie and Gordon are taking advantage of the quiet season by spending a few days in NYC. They went to see Hamilton last night, and visited the The Whitney museum of modern art.
When they return we will continue to plan for summer 2022! We are in full-on hiring mode, and beginning some exciting facility projects around camp.

We have enjoyed two awesome Open Houses at camp hosting over 50 families, and encourage anyone who wants to come visit camp to do so!It has been wonderful hearing from campers and staff this off-season, and we are full of gratitude at the kind words we have received surrounding last year’s summer season. In that light we are sharing an article written by one of our longtime Illahee girls. Olivia completed her last camper summer in 2021, and was a Junior Counselor during our five-day session. We have watched her grow in confidence and leadership over the years, as she continues to share her love of camp with others: Olivia’s Article reflects on the ways camp has empowered her to be the best version of herself. What a gift. We all need this reminder as we move further away from the summer, getting sucked into the social media world and the busyness of daily life!
We wish you all a happy start to December! Thanks for reading, Illahee family!