It has taken us a week to choose a name for our newest camp “pup.” Ideas ranged from Fig, Sir Isaac, Squirrel, Scout, Buddy, Rufus, to Ranger, Pooh, Sunny, Oliver. So many Camp Illahee options! Gardner picked him up in Kentucky last Friday, and until yesterday, he has been “pup.”
While updating the Illahee History, Gretchen reminded us that in the 1920’s campers traveled to the mountains by train. At the station, they were picked up in a large Ford truck. This was their first connection to camp. Campers and their large steamer trunks piled into the open truck bed for the last leg of their trip to camp. Laughing and singing, they named the truck…Henry.
After that first 1921 camp summer, Ol’ Henry came to be a welcome friend to campers transporting them on adventures around mountains. You can read about the first summer at Camp Illahee and a trip to the circus when Ol’ Henry was a welcome surprise on a rainy hike back to camp.
Having an eight-week-old puppy in the office feels a bit like we have our own three-ring circus! We can only imagine the adventures ahead for Illahee girls this summer and in years to come with Henry. We look forward to his welcoming campers on opening day, sure to be the start of the BEST SUMMER EVER.