The Campers are Coming!

I can pretty much count on waking up a minute or two either side of 6:00 am. It doesn’t matter whether I’m early to bed or stay up howling at the moon. Sometimes Laurie tries to game my internal clock by asking me what time I’m getting up, and then saying, “I’m setting an alarm … Continued

Attitude of Gratitude

If you’re like me, the post-Thanksgiving let-down may be mixed with a few sighs of relief. I enjoy a routine, and am reminded of that after a full week of late nights catching up with family and endless feasting. I do love this holiday- there’s less pressure than Christmas and we’ve nailed down our family … Continued

Slowing Our Pace!

The fall-colored mums and pumpkin displays have begun making appearances on the neighborhood stoops. October is here! Since moving to S.C. fall seems like a distant reach- the season we are currently in is one long extension of summer. It’s hot and humid with a capital “H”; we are thankful for new friends with swimming … Continued

Time To Un-Plug!

I am 28 years old, and according to science, my prefrontal cortex has been developed for three years now. For your Psych. 101 refresher, the prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in our decision-making, impulse control, goals and planning for the future. Scientists say that our brains are fully developed by age 25. This is … Continued

Miss Independent!

I am sitting at home with my seven year old, Brooks, watching him create play-dough sculptures as I write from my couch. He has begun launching homemade cannonballs through the hall. We are on what seems to be his 100th Virtual Day of the school year. The threat of ice prompted Transylvania County to call … Continued

Why Camp? Friendships that Last a Lifetime!

On the eve of my first day of camp I would lie in bed fretting well into the night. This happened every year. I always stressed over the same thing, “What if I don’t make any friends?” It’s every girl’s nightmare, but rarely is that worry ever brought to fruition. I would bet that most … Continued

Why Camp? Growth Through New Experiences!

Gretchen and Laurie were having a conversation with a camp dad the other day.  I overheard them laughing and tuned in to hear him say,  “My girls have been in one zone all year, and it’s the comfort one!” They have been based in their living room (their virtual classroom) since August, and he has … Continued

Why Camp? Growth in Confidence!

If anyone had said to 2019 Gardner, “A year from now your trendiest outfit accessory will be an N-95 mask,” I would have stared blankly; little did I know my 2020 Google search history would frequently include “What’s the best mask with filter?” This year has been a year of unusual questions. Questions we never … Continued

Joy in Re-Connecting…

I am writing over the loud hum of the leaf-blowers, one of the many sounds of summer. In years past I would have greeting that sound with an annoyed sigh, but lately I have found a sort of comfort in the familiarity of it. After a stormy and rain-heavy weekend, the maintenance guys are on … Continued

A Slower Pace…

It is hard to fathom that we are nearing the end of June. Are we the only ones who feel like time is more blurry this summer? Usually in June, our days are perfectly orchestrated into a schedule dictated by the ringing of the bell signalling activities, rest hours, and evening programs. Adjusting to life … Continued