Outpouring of Love

“A roller coaster of emotions” hardly describes our feelings since Friday’s announcement to cancel this summer. It is more accurately a typhoon or a super cyclone of emotions. We know you all can relate, after hearing from many of our families and their response to the news. If you “took to the bed” on Friday, … Continued

Staff Picks!

While we all continue to adjust to the “new normal”, something that has made us feel grounded and encouraged is hearing from camp families, campers, and staff. Last week we reached out to our staff members to check in and see how they were spending their time in quarantine. We asked them to share some … Continued

Camp Friends…

Is that hometown buddy a necessity for a great summer at camp?  Some parents worry about their daughter coming to camp without a friend from home.  While walking into a new cabin group might feel intimidating, having the opportunity to make brand new friends is one of the best parts of camp! A summer at … Continued

From Bell-Ringing to Leaf-Blowing!

How has it already been eight weeks since we lowered the cabin flaps, deflated the lone swim-lake tube, and cleared out the last box of salty snacks?! Other than a few furry four-legged barn animals, Jasper and Dahlia, the final members to leave the camp community for the season were nurses Mary and Denise. They … Continued

May 24, 2019

Yesterday was an exciting day as we welcomed thirteen enthusiastic staff members to begin lifeguard training. Staff members who are excited to serve this community and have opted to come a few days early to put in some extra time, so our campers are fully guarded around our splashy spots! We call this our practice … Continued

Activity Spotlight-Puppetry!


“Pup-pup-puppetry!” Is a catchy tune we have heard often the last few years. This chant, created by enthusiastic counselors, expresses the fun and quirky activity- puppetry! A relatively new addition to camp, puppetry offers a chance to mix art and drama. It’s also one of my favorite spots to visit during the summer. It often … Continued

Activity Spotlight-Faith and Fellowship

One of the greatest reminders of the value of camp is hearing from families, former campers, and staff members about the ways camp continues to bring joy into their everyday life.  We often receive hand-written notes, photos, or Christmas cards expressing gratitude for camp and the values gained as a result of this greater community. … Continued

Activity Spotlight-Woodworking!

Our next “Activity Spotlight” is on Woodworking! Whether it’s the clouds of saw dust, the smell of fresh- cut pine, or the sounds of the electric sanders- the wood-shop creates an environment that puts our senses to the test! Woodworking is an Illahee favorite because of the unknown challenges that come with learning new skills. … Continued

Activity Spotlight- The Arts!

Illahee remains a haven in an unpredictable world- a phenomenon that we don’t take for granted, and one that this community strives to preserve. This can be challenging in a place that has shaped so many lives, and created lasting memories. Finding the balance between change and tradition is necessary. As we near our 100th … Continued

March-ing On!

The daffodils have moved beyond small hints of spiky tufts, and now sprinkle the hillsides in bright yellow blooms- signaling spring is just around the corner! The trees are still looking bare around camp, and I think we would all agree that it would be nice to shed our winter coats and retire the space heaters … Continued