Camper faces are the best on the Tarzan Swing!

Bigger Than Me…

I think we all went overboard with our gushing praise for all things mediocre when I was raising our kids. Non-competitive camps were all the rage, and there were ribbons and trophies for participation. There’s some holdover there, but for the most part, I think parents and their kids know when something is praiseworthy, and … Continued

Final Night Brings Tears, Laughter, Reminiscing…

A Camper Holds a Wish Boat candle on the last night of camp.

Adolescence for girls is a roller coaster…and camp is an anchor. It’s not the only anchor, but it’s a powerful one in the tempest of teen years. It struck me on Father’s Day how important it is for dads to keep their head in the game when raising daughters…dads are key. You should be that … Continued

Be A GREAT Girl!

Two campers make homemade ice cream with their counselor.

If we were selling a product, Be a Great Girl would be our tagline. We have it incorporated into signs on every hill, in the architecture (bottom of the dining hall doors), and even in a hashtag #bagg that is used as a reminder like I used to say every time Gardner or Turner left … Continued

Yukon Adventure!

Paddling on the Beaver RIver, Yukon, Canada

It’s not often that an adult gets to feel like a camper, and when I agreed to a canoe expedition, paddling 138-miles on the remote Beaver River in the Yukon, I realized that it was a lot like a two-week camp session.  Most of my post-camp vacations involve a large beach umbrella, sunscreen, and a … Continued