Remembering Newton

Best camp dog ever…we brought him home, a surprise for Gordon’s birthday, nearly 13 years ago. We had been looking for a puppy to accompany Sadie, our seven-year old female lab, and our minister had a yellow lab puppy. I told Gardner and Turner that we were just going to “look” and to meet the … Continued

Welcome Four Week and Mini 1 Campers!

Four campers arm and arm swim in the swim lake.

One of my favorite things in this day of virtual relationships is to see “real” ones resume where they left off at the end of camp 11 months ago. There are usually squeals…and BIG “arm-sweeping” hugs. There is no doubt…camp is about the relationships. We work hard year-round to make our facility look great…to add new … Continued

Final Night of the Summer Camp Three-Week Session!

a cabin pauses to reflect on their wish on summer camp's final night

I wonder if everyone gets more nostalgic as they age? The last days of camp are pretty long for us on the leadership team, and by the time final campfire rolls around, my body is ready to put another log on the fire and head to the tent. Sometimes I wonder if my Apple Watch step counter wonders … Continued

Sing Around the Lake and Canoe Formation

Illahee campers sharing good vibes

Tonight begins the carefully choreographed set of closing activities that leads us to Friday morning’s pick-up. It has been a whirlwind of a session…in some respects looking back at the images flashing across the big screen tonight, opening day seems a world away. A lot has transpired since then. Girls have grown in “camp time” (a … Continued

Our Woodland Chapel

rainbow clad campers pose before competing in the Illahee Olympics

Our Woodland Chapel is one of my favorite places on camp. It’s neck and neck with our campfire ring…and we gather in both as a full camp each Sunday…the Woodland Chapel for worship, and the campfire ring to bring each week to a close as a community. I like campfire because it’s nestled in a natural bowl a … Continued