Wide Open!

If I didn’t know better, I would expect Junior camp to start with a whimper and end with a roar, but it’s really the other way around (except the whimper part). These girls are wide open, and ready to go….which is a good thing, because camp is designed for lots of energy! It is fitting … Continued

Final Night at the Soda Shop!

For some reason, two week final night is more dramatic than other sessions. By dramatic, I don’t mean dramatic in a derogatory sense. It is real. Maybe it’s that my gauge is Pineview…and right after a pretty sentimental closing campfire. It sounds like a “turkey farm” outside my window…girls arm and arm, some crying softly, … Continued

Sing Around the Lake and Canoe Formation!

My choice of my highlight of the day was one among many. Things were back to normal today…as normal goes in the camp world. It was the last regular day of Pine Day activities. Tomorrow will be action-packed as we have final shows in dance, puppetry, vaulting, riding…fun stuff and a great way to end … Continued

Roughin it for Five Hours!

I am exhausted, but feeling good about the day…looking forward to meeting my pillow, but amazed that this day was such a positive one despite our outside challenges. It’s hard to know even where to begin. Maybe not. It began in praise and thanksgiving. Tuesday morning early is our Bible study with our counselors. This … Continued

Sundays at Camp!

Sunday is my favorite day of the week, year round. It is the one day that I try to keep low key…one of the challenges of loving what I do, and living where I work…is leaving it behind occasionally during the off-season. I love to work outside…”piddling” I call it. If a tractor needs work, … Continued

Capture the Flag!

One of my fondest memories growing up were neighborhood-wide games of Capture the Flag. We’d play til we were red in the face, completely dehydrated…exhausted. My mom would finally ring the big farm bell that sat on a pole by the walk to our back door, and we knew it was time to come in. … Continued

Opening Ceremonies!

There is something magical about the Olympics, and I’m pretty excited that they are in London. I’m also pretty excited that someone invented TiVo because camp is more exciting, and I’m going to have to steal glimpses of the action late at night or early in the morning as I can. As I write, there … Continued

A Great Day for Cabin Groups

By day three of  camp, cabin groups start to feel like family.   This morning Gordon and I started the day with our heads of hill and leadership team at 7:30 where we catch a more detailed pulse of cabin life.  Resoundingly, the report from each hill’s leader was that “these girls love camp!”  Activities … Continued

All the World’s a Stage!

I jinxed myself. If you reread yesterday’s post, scroll down a couple of paragraphs and I almost sound cocky. “Bored” was certainly not the right choice of words to describe my state, as it is never boring at camp. “Weird” was probably a better choice. I felt a little unusual because things were going so … Continued

Welcome August Campers!

There is a spark to the August session that is unlike most of our other sessions. Two weeks offers a great taste of what camp has to offer, but our hope is that your girls won’t be ready to leave at the end of the session. In a longer session girls can get out of … Continued