The Best Summer Ever!

Every three to five years, our “mission statement” the Best Summer Ever really does come true. Camp is almost 100 years old, so odds are that every year we add, it gets harder for it to be the BEST summer ever. I don’t mean for that to sound like it catches us off guard, because … Continued

In Memory of Frankie

On Monday Frankie Hall’s niece, Paige French, called to let us know that Frankie had passed away peacefully in her home on Saturday morning, May 20th.    She had been diagnosed with cancer over a year ago and in typical Frankie fashion, she called it “kudzu.”  Always full of dry wit and a positive outlook, she … Continued

Happy New Year – Camp Style

Two campers reunite on opening day

It’s the beginning of a new season at Illahee- summer #97# BESTSUMMEREVER. A few years ago, we defined this time of year as the Busy Buzz of May! Our riding director, Sellers, arrives next Wednesday to wrangle the horses; Lifeguards take their first slide down the Streak on Thursday. Van drivers and trips’ staff will … Continued

Leading Lady

One of my favorite things about being Illahee’s newest guest blogger is I get to write about certain people who are not always mentioned in the updates, mostly because they are writing them. So April’s blog features camp director, Laurie Strayhorn- affectionately known as “mom”. If you know our family well, you also know our running … Continued

Roots That Grow

Campers enjoy campfire

It’s about time to dust off those trunks! Camp has been a bustle of activity in the last few weeks. I am not sure if it’s the sprouting of the daffodils and spring’s premature arrival, or just the anticipation of the best summer ever, but the team is full speed ahead. From bunk- bed making … Continued