
Illahee's newest pup

It has taken us a week to choose a name for our newest camp “pup.” Ideas ranged from Fig, Sir Isaac, Squirrel, Scout, Buddy, Rufus, to Ranger, Pooh, Sunny, Oliver. So many Camp Illahee options! Gardner picked him up in Kentucky last Friday, and until yesterday, he has been “pup.” While updating the Illahee History, … Continued

Cold Feet Leads to Growth

Why the cold feet? We get it, and it’s a conversation we sometimes have around this time as campers feel the distance between their lives at home and their awesome memories of camp. Their experiences are a little fuzzier, and the smells and sounds of camp are no longer palpable. The jitters are creeping in, … Continued

Take time to…PLAY!

Illahee Campers On the Verge of a Water Fight

Since our last post, a new year has come and is quickly moving along. Apart from camp prep, this month has me deep in the throes of “toddler-dom”. Brook s, my spirited offspring, turned three on Christmas day. It was quite a day- also celebrating my mom, Laurie’s birthday, and most importantly our Risen King. … Continued

Merry and Bright!

Brooks helps decorate!

I woke up at 5 this morning to drop Gardner off at the Asheville airport for an early flight to NYC. She is spending the day with a group of young camp directors and Bob Ditter. The group meets monthly to develop leadership strategies and to discuss themes from books like Give and Take and … Continued

Remembering Newton

Best camp dog ever…we brought him home, a surprise for Gordon’s birthday, nearly 13 years ago. We had been looking for a puppy to accompany Sadie, our seven-year old female lab, and our minister had a yellow lab puppy. I told Gardner and Turner that we were just going to “look” and to meet the … Continued

Ode to Rain

Campers enjoy a rain shower

During the summer an afternoon shower is often part of the daily routine. For many campers, it is a coveted time- it might mean a chance to finish a good page-turner, write a letter to family, or conquer the six-string lanyard that’s been days in process. It is a time to slow down and wait. … Continued

Growing up at Camp

Campers and counselors pause briefly on opening day!

It is hard to believe Illahee welcomed my family nearly 14 years ago thus beginning my camper years. It was the July session in 2002 -I was deep in the throes of soffe shorts and Lizzie McGuire. I still remember the night before camp, lying awake trying to calm the butterflies in the pit of … Continued

Camp is a Mission

Illahee campers prepare to float wishboats

Each May, I embark on a mission trip- to an island called “camp. “  The counselors and other directors travel with me.  We eat three meals together- three hours a day in the dining hall- travel to activities and enjoy evening programs before settling down to bed at the same time each night.  In fact … Continued