Oh Say Can You See? Happy Fourth!

What an amazing day! This is how the Fourth should be celebrated! I will say, at 10:36 PM as I sit down to write, I am glad that it has ended safely and with lots of happy campers and staff. Our last crew is off the road, back from an afternoon and evening at the … Continued

Sliding Rock, Bingo and Swim Party!

Gordon is off at Sliding Rock with the Hillbrook and Mini 1 session campers.  It seemed like a good night to help him out with the blog since it’s nearly 10:00 and they are almost back to camp.  With the warm weather, Sliding Rock is a welcome relief and it was fun to watch the … Continued

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

I love Sundays at camp. There’s something so pure and open about this community that makes us all acutely aware of God’s presence at almost every turn. On Sundays, we love to worship Him in His Woodland Chapel in thanksgiving for all that we have been given…especially each other and the opportunity to spend these … Continued

O.K. So It’s Kind of Hot…

I’m sitting in a theater of 300 halfway watching Dreamworks’ Puss n Boots. The other 299 are campers and staff, and I am in an inconspicuous corner, Ipad hidden…checking in with you all. Ain’t technology grand? At least tonight. This will probably be the post of the summer that will take me the longest to … Continued

Not So Hot!

Usually in the South, when it’s hot…it’s thick. Yucky, sweaty thick. Humidity…or as the big tackle for the short-lived Memphis Showboats of the USFL said back in 1984 after a particularly hot and hard practice, “this humility’s killing me.” 🙂 As I predicted,the weather folks fell far short of the the predicted 97 degrees. It … Continued

Luaus, Bingo and Farm Overnight for the Big Girls!

On behalf of our extremely “slack” web hosts, I apologize for yesterday’s technology snafu. We had a similar website “down” issue at the start of the June session, and believe it or not, the root cause is interest. Our site gets a lot of traffic from everyone checking out pictures, reading the blog, etc. But, … Continued

A Great Day to “Meet” the Farm!

Hannah Ford Farm has exceeded every expectation I had for this beautiful piece of property about four miles from camp situated on the headwaters of the French Broad River. This is the same river that attracted both Sierra Nevada brewery and New Belgium Brewery to announce this past year that they will locate their east … Continued

Tree Day and Air Band!

Today may very well have been the most beautiful summer day I have ever seen in the Heavenly. Really. It was that amazing. Like yesterday, it was a “BIG H” day…high pressure in the Heavenly. But, there was a crispness to the air…all day long…that just put a little extra pep in everyone’s step. I … Continued

First Day of Activities Ends at the County Fair!

It was a blue ribbon day in the “heavenly”…one that the Chamber of Commerce would be proud to hang their hat on for all to see. It started off a little foggy again, but the riding staff who were feeding the horses, a few early morning staff joggers, and I may have been the only … Continued

A Great Big Welcome to Our July and Mini 1 Campers!

Camp just doesn’t feel right without campers…even for the day that we take to regroup between sessions. We said goodbye to a terrific group of three-weekers on Friday, and counselors had yesterday to explore the area, sleep…some of them to move into new cabins. We welcomed a new crew of Junior Counselors and a few … Continued