1990’s Illahee Photos
Brevard: Cycling Capital of the South!
If you haven’t seen this, read on – Big News for BREVARD, NC! The experts have spoken. BIKE Magazine, the premier mountain biking publication in the country, calls Transylvania County “America’s best kept secret,” and “home to some of the best riding in the country,” in their January issue. The publication hits newsstands on January … Continued
Hannah Ford Barns are Almost Complete!
Wow! We’ve come a long way. I’m kicking myself for not taking a straight-on “before” picture of the old barns at the farm, but check this out to the left. A week of warm weather allowed the boys to finish the red paint on the outside of the big barn. Neighbors have been stopping by … Continued
Say Goodbye to June!
Time flies when you’re having fun. Apparently so. I signed some checks today and the date jumped out at me. July? Already?! Really? A sure sign of a great summer is that it does fly by…too fast, in this case. We are rounding the corner into the weekend, and wrapping up week one, and what … Continued
Singing in the Rain and Canoe Formation!
We emphasize over and over in pre-camp “counselor camp” how important flexibility is in the camp world. Our weather has been pretty darn close to perfect considering that we entered the session very dry. We were watering all of our new grass and rhododendrons like crazy trying to help them gain a foothold when the … Continued
The Importance of a Good Rain Plan…
I’ll have to admit, I was eyeing the radar screen surreptitiously on the old iphone, hoping those bright greens and reds would move right into our path right before dinner. What I wasn’t expecting was the loud BOOM that started the squeals and screams from all corners! A good old-fashioned summer thunderstorm. In the mountains, … Continued
Simple Living and Air Band!
It’s interesting to me that the more complicated our lives get, the more we yearn for simpler times. There are websites and magazines dedicated to helping us simplify, and they are BIG business. I’m pretty convinced that a lot of the angst in the world is born in these layers of complication. For me, the … Continued
First Day of Activities and County Fair!
Technology moves a heck of a lot faster than we do, but it is fun to utilize some of it to give you all a glimpse of all the fun we are having. With that in mind, here are a couple of items of interest: we will try to upload pictures in almost real time … Continued
The Best Summer Ever!
But, this morning felt a lot like I remember Christmas feeling when I was Hillbrook age. Yesterday, I was dead-tired from the last “push” to get ready and then got “schooled” by my sixteen year-old on the Butter Gap trail on mountain bikes last night…(we left at 6:30 PM and rode until almost nine and … Continued